
Tankless Water Heater Installation Guide

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on tankless water heater installation. Discover the future of efficient water heating with tankless systems. We'll explore the benefits and advantages of these innovative units, providing you with the knowledge to make informed decisions for a more energy-efficient and cost-effective home. Say goodbye to traditional water heaters and embrace the convenience and savings that tankless technology brings.

In recent years, tankless water heaters have revolutionized the way we think about hot water supply in homes. Unlike traditional tank water heaters that store and continuously heat a large volume of water, tankless systems heat water on demand. This means you get hot water instantly, without the need for a storage tank.

The advantages of tankless water heaters are numerous. Firstly, they are highly energy-efficient, as they only heat water when needed, eliminating the standby energy losses associated with traditional tanks. This eco-friendly approach not only reduces your carbon footprint but also translates into significant cost savings on your energy bills.

Pre-Installation Checklist:

Before diving into the tankless water heater installation process, it's crucial to follow a comprehensive pre-installation checklist. Here's what you need to consider:

Check Local Codes and Permits:

  • Research and ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations.
  • Obtain any necessary permits before initiating the installation.

Evaluate Gas or Electrical Requirements:

  • Confirm the availability and compatibility of gas or electrical connections.
  • Hire a professional to assess and upgrade connections if needed.

Select an Appropriate Location:

  • Choose a well-ventilated and easily accessible installation location.
  • Consider factors like proximity to gas or electrical connections and the unit's ventilation requirements.

Space and Installation Location:

  • Evaluate the available space for installation and choose a unit that fits your designated area.
  • Consider indoor or outdoor installation options based on your preferences and local climate.

Calculate Water Demand:

  • Determine your household's peak water demand to select the right-sized unit.
  • Consider the simultaneous use of appliances and fixtures.

Upgrade Ventilation if Necessary:

  • Ensure proper ventilation for gas-powered units to prevent the buildup of potentially harmful gases.
  • Plan and install a venting system if required.

Prepare Water and Gas Lines:

  • Inspect and, if necessary, upgrade existing water and gas lines.
  • Ensure the pipes can handle the increased demand and pressure.

Check Water Quality:

  • Assess the water quality in your area to prevent potential scaling or damage to the unit.
  • Install a water softener if needed.

Ensure Proper Grounding for Electrical Units:

  • For electric tankless water heaters, verify the presence of proper grounding.
  • Consult an electrician to address any grounding issues.

By meticulously completing this pre-installation checklist, you'll lay the foundation for a smooth and safe tankless water heater installation process. Always prioritize safety, adhere to local regulations, and seek professional assistance if needed.

Installation Steps:

Choose an optimal location for your tankless water heaters, considering factors like accessibility, ventilation, and proximity to water and gas lines. Ensure compliance with manufacturer guidelines and local building codes.

Safely turn off the gas and electricity supply to the installation area. This is crucial to prevent accidents during the installation process. Follow proper safety protocols and use appropriate personal protective equipment.

Securely mount the tankless water heater on the wall using a suitable bracket. Ensure it is level and stable. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific mounting guidelines.

Connect the hot and cold water lines to the unit. Use appropriate fittings and ensure a secure, leak-free connection. Consider installing isolation valves for easy maintenance and future repairs.

If installing a gas-powered unit, set up the ventilation system according to the manufacturer's specifications. Proper venting is essential to expel combustion byproducts safely.

Connect the gas supply line to the tankless water heater, following local codes and regulations. Use a gas leak detector to ensure there are no gas leaks, and tighten all connections securely.

For electric tankless water heaters, connect the unit to the electrical supply following the manufacturer's guidelines. Ensure proper grounding and use the correct voltage.

To enhance clarity, refer to the manufacturer's installation manual and include visual aids such as diagrams or images at each step. Following these steps diligently will result in a properly installed tankless water heater, providing reliable hot water for your household.

DIY vs. Professional Installation:

When it comes to installing a tankless water heater, deciding between a DIY approach and hiring a professional involves weighing the pros and cons of each option.

DIY Installation:


Cost Savings: One of the primary advantages of a DIY installation is cost savings. You can avoid labor fees by taking on the installation yourself.

Learning Experience: Installing a tankless water heater can be a valuable learning experience, providing insights into your home's plumbing and heating systems.

Flexibility: DIY installations allow you to work at your own pace, accommodating your schedule and preferences.


Complexity: Tankless water heater installations can be complex, involving electrical work, gas connections, and precise plumbing. DIYers may encounter challenges that require professional expertise.

Safety Risks: Mishandling gas and electrical components poses safety risks. Without proper knowledge and precautions, there's a potential for gas leaks, electrical issues, or other hazards.

Warranty Concerns: Some manufacturers may require professional installation to uphold the warranty. DIY installations might void the warranty, leaving you without coverage for potential issues.

Tips for DIYers:

Research Thoroughly: Before attempting a DIY installation, thoroughly research the process, consult the manufacturer's manual, and watch instructional videos to understand the steps involved.

Ensure Compliance: Adhere to local building codes and regulations to ensure the installation meets safety and performance standards.

Seek Assistance if Needed: If unsure about specific tasks, consider consulting with a professional for guidance to avoid costly mistakes.

Professional Installation:


Expertise and Efficiency: Professionals bring expertise and experience to ensure a smooth and efficient installation, minimizing the risk of errors.

Compliance and Safety: Hiring a professional ensures that the installation complies with local codes and safety standards, reducing the likelihood of accidents or issues.

Warranty Protection: Professional installations often come with a warranty, providing coverage for both the unit and the installation work.


Cost: Professional installations come with associated labor costs, which can be a significant factor in the overall expense.

Scheduling Dependence: You may need to schedule the installation at a time convenient for the professional, potentially leading to delays.

Tips for Those Considering Professional Installation:

Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple plumbing professionals to compare costs and services.

Check Credentials: Ensure the chosen professional is licensed, insured, and has experience with tankless water heater installations.

Clarify Warranty Details: Confirm the warranty coverage for both the unit and the installation work.

Ultimately, the decision between DIY and professional installation depends on your comfort level with the tasks involved, your budget, and your willingness to invest time in learning and executing the installation. Always prioritize safety and compliance with local regulations, and don't hesitate to seek professional assistance if needed.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting:

Installing a tankless water heater can be a smooth process, but it's essential to anticipate potential challenges and address them proactively.

Inadequate Gas Supply:

  • Issue: If the gas supply is insufficient, the unit may not function properly.
  • Solution: Ensure the gas line meets the unit's specifications. Consult with a professional to upgrade the gas supply if needed.

Venting Issues:

  • Issue: Improper venting can lead to combustion problems or the unit shutting down.
  • Solution: Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for venting and ensure proper clearances. Consult with a professional for venting system adjustments if necessary.

Water Quality Problems:

  • Issue: Hard water can lead to scaling and reduce the unit's efficiency over time.
  • Solution: Install a water softener to address hard water issues and regularly flush the unit to prevent scaling.

Incorrect Unit Size:

  • Issue: Choosing a unit that is too small for the household's demand may result in insufficient hot water.
  • Solution: Calculate the peak demand accurately and select a unit with the appropriate flow rate and capacity.

Troubleshooting Tips for Common Problems:

No Hot Water:

  • Check: Verify that the unit is receiving power and that the gas supply is sufficient.
  • Solution: Check for error codes on the unit's display. Reset the unit and consult the troubleshooting section of the manual.

Fluctuating Water Temperature:

  • Check: Ensure there are no obstructions in the water or gas lines.
  • Solution: Adjust the temperature settings and check for proper flow rates. Clean the inlet filter and inspect for debris.

Unit Not Igniting:

  • Check: Verify the gas supply and ignition system components.
  • Solution: Clear any obstructions in the venting system. If issues persist, consult a professional for a thorough inspection.
  • What are the key advantages of installing a tankless water heater?

    Tankless water heaters offer several benefits, including on-demand hot water, energy efficiency, and a continuous supply. They save on energy costs by only heating water when needed, providing a more eco-friendly and cost-effective solution compared to traditional tank water heaters.

  • Can I install a tankless water heater myself, or should I hire a professional?

    While a DIY installation is possible for those with plumbing and electrical skills, hiring a professional is often recommended. Professionals ensure compliance with local codes, address potential safety issues, and can optimize the system for efficiency. Always consider your comfort level with the tasks and prioritize safety.

  • What maintenance is required for a tankless water heater, and how often should it be performed?

    Regular maintenance is essential to keep a tankless water heater running smoothly. Tasks include flushing the system to remove scale buildup, checking for gas leaks, and inspecting the venting system. Maintenance frequency may vary, but performing tasks annually or biannually is generally advisable. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

  • How do I determine the right size of tankless water heater for my household?

    Sizing a tankless water heater involves considering factors such as the number of occupants, simultaneous hot water needs, and desired temperature rise. Calculate the flow rates of appliances and fixtures used concurrently and choose a unit with a sufficient flow rate and capacity. Consulting with a professional can help ensure accurate sizing for your specific requirements.

Contact Us:

We understand that navigating the world of tankless water heater installation may raise questions or require personalized assistance. Our dedicated team at Plumbing Service Group is here to provide expert guidance and address your inquiries.

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